I was reviewing the documents I have to send to Massachusetts last night, and thought that I should start on the immunization paper. I had thought it'd be the same as University of Hawaii, and hadn't paid much attention before. But, when I read it carefully, hey, there're so many kinds required that I haven't heard of ... And UH only required Measles when I was admitted, and I don't have documentations for any others. The nurse at the Health Services even said "Wow, these are all REQUIRED." but soon said it'd probably be because of the WINTER. Oh, no.
There are FOUR kinds of vaccinations (予防接種)required, and one of them requires THREE SHOTS (3回接種), that means SIX SHOTS in total!!!!!! I wished I could drink some medicine and pass, but they are all injections (注射). Here's the list...
1. Tetanus/Diptheria(破傷風・ジフテリア): In Japan people take only when they're children and that's all. I sure must have taken one too. BUT in the U.S., there's a 'boost' to be taken EVERY 10 YEARS! I'll have to take it before I leave.
2. Meningococcal(髄膜炎): I haven't even heard of the name, but it is required, and I could be waived if I sign... but it should be better to take...
3. MMR (はしか、おたふく、風疹): I caught all three when I was small, but measles is the only one I have documentation for. おたふくも風疹もかかったのにな~。ん10年も前のカルテはないらしいし・・・。So I need to vaccinate against mumps and rubella. I could choose to do a blood test and hope to turn out positive, but insurance doesn't cover blood tests!
4. Hepatitis A and B(A型&B型肝炎): This one takes 3 dozes with 2-4 months apart...
You can already probably tell, but I AM SCARED OF NEEDLES! Luckily the nurse was very nice and understanding. I had just the first shot of Hepatitis A & B today, and that wasn't too bad. The amount was so little and didn't take 10 seconds. Hope the rest are similar. Five more shots coming ... x_x
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