September 23, 2007

Early fall in Hadley

There's a nursery on the bus route that has tons of pumpkins outside. Watching from the bus, I have wanted to walk around and pick up a pumpkin there! So, after church, I decided to walk there, as it was less than a block from there.

Lots and lots of pumpkins, large ones were $2-5. It's a nursery, so there're more pots of flowers and plants. I wished I had brought my camera!!

I picked up one from smaller 'sugar pumpkins' buckets. 75 cents each (photo on the left). I wasn't sure if I could cook and eat, so I asked the gentleman at the cashier, and he said I could either decorate or cook and eat. It'd probably be 'nimono' (煮物) or soup within a week! I think it's cheap, but pumpkins are so abundant so maybe it's not. I also bought a small ornamental pumpkin (50 cents) and dried cow corn ornament. Now my rooms feels so autumn :-)

After that I went on a walk on the bike path to the World Food Market. The bike path is a very pleasant walk in this season, and there are people taking a walk, walking a dog, walking a baby stroller, and family riding bikes, etc. I like that both bikers and pedestrians both smile and say hi on this path. When bikes pass walkers, they call out "Passing on the left." I like that much much better than the metallic bicycle bells! There were many interesting plants on the path, and too bad I couldn't tell the names of each. There was a field of 'susuki' - I don't know what it's called in English.

The World Food Market is my favorite market with ingredients from all over the world. I bought a bag of frozen gyoza (dumplings), frozen fish (ヒラメ?), Vietnamese hot chili sauce, noni tea bags (was cheap!) and a bag of rice.

Some more pictures of the coming of the fall in Hadley...

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